【家居装饰】娇嫩的桃子具有温柔的触感 |
【jiajuzhuangshi】2023-3-9发表: 娇嫩的桃子具有温柔的触感 由趋势预测与色彩咨询机构彩通色彩研究所发布的趋势报告,2023年春夏季倫敦的色彩向我们描绘了一条新的前进道路。如何将传统和创新结合,将动感的色调与安静的色调相融合,形成生动、诙谐的搭配组合, 娇嫩的桃子具有温柔的触感由趋势预测与色彩咨询机构彩通色彩研究所发布的趋势报告,2023 年春夏季倫敦的色彩向我们描绘了一条新的前进道路。如何将传统和创新结合,将动感的色调与安静的色调相融合,形成生动、诙谐的搭配组合,是这一季秀场传达的课题。 releasing by pantone color institute, fashion colors for ss2023 indicated a new way forward.how to combine tradition with innovation,and how to match different colors well are the key point for this season. 我们看到了设计师们在预测未来时,都竭尽全力的表现出一种拥抱自由,不受约束的个性。 designers expressed a strong will to embrace the freedom without restrictions through their forecast. 2023 10大主打流行色 top 10 standout colors 在现代家居装饰中,这些大胆而前卫的配色经常被应用到家具或是摆设的选择中,以点缀整个空间。然而每一季,我们也看到pantone会给出5种核心经典色,就好比墙身与地面在整体空间应用上的氛围塑造角色。 in modern home decoration,these bold and fashion colors are usually applied for furniture or decorations.so pantone also predicted 5 classic shades in their report,which just like the wall and floor for overall space as a main role to render the atmosphere. 2023 五大核心经典色 five new classic shades pantone 13-4201 oyster mushroom 牡蛎菇灰 一种非矜持的灰色,具有无声的力量 道格拉斯卡索灰系列,暖灰调的底色上均匀分布着细致如闪电的白色纹理,无限延伸的白色纹路避免了单一深色所带来的沉闷感,沉稳内敛的灰度透着一股深邃的高冷质感,低调中散发着一股迷人的贵族之气。 with evenly distributed milky veins on its warm grey background,the infinite extension of white patterns breaks the heaviness caused by single colors.the grey tone on surface makes carso ash a decent luxury and brings a noble feeling for home space. pantone 14-6011 grayed jade 灰玉 一种矿化的灰绿色调 pantone 12-0912 tender peach 嫩桃粉 娇嫩的桃子,具有温柔的触感 原素:原素系列以简约、素雅、艺术与原创的设计理念,以水泥独特的质感为灵感,用最自然的肌理,回归生命最真的状态,散发出浑厚、深沉的别样魅力,用最纯粹的色彩,演绎空间的纯粹,看似简单,却变化无穷,纹理从粗糙到细腻,色彩从冷色到缤纷,风格简约却富有质感。 the word “cement” is derived from the latin word “caementum”, which means chipped rock fragments.it has been in used by humans throughout history.to express love for essence of life,daugres designer created origin series based on the natural patterns of cement,and extended its origin grey to several cozy colors to complete the whole collections.less is more,the simple patterns and plain colors of origin makes everything marvelous. pantone 17-1230 mocha mousse 摩卡慕斯 一种甜美的牛奶巧克力色 原素·微水泥,使用全新工艺,从视觉和触觉上赋予产品表面全新面貌。产品表面的质感和光感,更加符合现代美学应用需求,是新一代空间装饰的首选产品。 appling the latest technology on its surface,micro cement provided with a new feeling in both visual and tactile.its soft light makes it a perfect choice for modern design. pantone 19-3954 cherry tomato 发蓝 一种轻快的墨蓝色 世界上65%的彩色宝石产于巴西,这正是这款巴西海蓝的灵感来源。蓝色的基调上交错着清晰灵动的白线纹,高雅大方,整体设计富有视觉感染力,特有的艺术气息有种捉摸不透的神秘感,铺装的空间让人仿佛置身于浩瀚星空,舒缓浪漫。 it's known that 65% of color stones come from brazil,incluing brazil azul.various white veins spread over blue base,which making this product full of artistic sense.with strong visual impact,brazil azul expressed a secret feeling and create a beautiful pictures just like you are immersing in the romantic galaxy. 从令人振奋的明亮色调到沉稳的色调,pantone2023春夏系列的色彩为我们提供了一些自由创新和尝试新事物的风向标,道格拉斯以时尚设计,助你get潮流色彩趋势,为您打造打造时尚潮流美家! whether for bright colors or the calm ones,pantone gave us an inspiration about how to try something new.and daugres will provide with latest design and products as usual,to create your best home. 家居装饰jiajuzhuangshi相关"娇嫩的桃子具有温柔的触感"就介绍到这里,如果对于家居装饰这方面有更多兴趣请多方了解,谢谢对家居装饰jiajuzhuangshi的支持,对于娇嫩的桃子具有温柔的触感有建议可以及时向我们反馈。 瓷砖相关 家居广场 家居体验 家居mall 装饰公司 装饰协会 装饰流行趋势 ,本资讯的关键词:2023道格拉斯玩转春夏流行色瓷砖家具装的到家家居装饰前卫美家铺装 (【jiajuzhuangshi】更新:2023/3/9 10:32:01)